Saturday, May 17, 2014

Vocabulary and writing review

Watch this video and answer the questions about it. Do not watch the entire video at once. Answer each question as you watch.

01) 00:16, Why is the boy's head down?
02) 00:22, Do you think the man and the boy know each other?
03) 00:35, Why did the man give the woman money?
04) 00:50, What do you think is the relationship between the girl and the man?
05) 01:05, What is the girl probably thinking?
06) 01:20, Why did the man give the boy soup and pay for the medicine?
07) 01:40, What do you think is in the bag?
08) 01:41, Why did the man behind the counter give the bag to the man with the big hair?
09) 01: 42, What can you guess about the man with the big hair?
10) 01:43, Who do you think owns the restaurant?
11) 01:49, Based on what you have seen so far, what can you say about the man behind the counter?
12) 02:05, What do you think has happened to the man?
13) 02:37, How is the girl feeling right now? (Write three emotions).
14) 02:39, What is she thinking about?
15) 02:50, Who is the man in the white coat talking to the girl?
16) 02:56, What is for sale in the picture? why? 
17) 03:13, What has changed about the hospital bill?
18) 03:49, Who paid the bill for the family? Why?
19) 04:03, What is the boy thinking?
20) 04:27, What are the pictures at the end trying to communicate?
21) This a commercial for a company called "True Move." With the phrase, "Giving is the best communication," what type of company do you think they are? What are they trying to persuade the viewer to do or believe?

When you complete answering the 21 questions...
Write a 200 word summary about the commercial. Include five (5) vocabulary words from Unit 7 and (10) vocabulary words from Unit 8. In your summary, describe what is happening in the video. Make inferences based on characters' body language and other clues. What do you think is the purpose of the commercial/video? Is the commercial directed to a specific group or is it aimed at everyone? Why would True Move, a communication company, make a  video like this?
If you do not complete the paragraph in class, it will be homework. 

Unit 7: (Include 5 of these words in your paragraph)
  1. advertise (v) to tell the public about a product or service in order to convince them to buy it; advertisement n
  2. customer (n) someone who buys things from a store or company
  3. focus on (v) to give all your attention to one particular person or thing
  4. market (n) a specific number or kind of people who want to buy something
  5. market (v) to try to convince someone to buy something by advertising it in a particular way
  6. marketing (n) the activity of deciding how to advertise a product, what price to charge for it, where to sell it, and who to sell it to
  7. niche market (n) a part of the population that buys a particular product or uses a particular service, or is likely to do so; niche marketing n
  8. target (v) to direct something at someone or something else
  9. case study (n) a study of a person, group, situation, or company over a long period of time
  10. compete (v) to try to be more successful than another person or group; competition n; competitor n
  11. marketing approach (n) a strategy or way of marketing
  12. persuade (v) to make someone believe or decide to do something

Unit 8: (Include 10 of these words in your paragraph)
  • attitude (n) a general opinion or feeling about someone or something
  • communication (n) the process of sharing information or expressing thoughts and feelings; communicate v
  • complex (adj) consisting of many different parts and often difficult to understand
  • interpret (v) to explain or determine the meaning of a statement, action, event, etc.; interpretation n
  • misunderstanding (n) a failure to comprehend a question, statement, or situation; misunderstand v
  • tone of voice (n) the way your voice sounds, which often shows how you are feeling or what you mean
  • appropriate (adj) correct or good for a particular time, situation, or purpose
  • assume (v) to think that something is true even though you do not know that it is; assumption n
  • gesture (n) a movement of your head, arm, or hand to express your feeling
  • potential (n) the possibility that something will develop or happen in a particular way
  • regulate (v) to control an activity or process, usually by having rules
  • signal (n) a sound, action, or event that gives information or tells someone to do something
  • analyze (v) to look at or think about the parts of something in order to understand the whole thing
  • calm down (v) to become quiet and relaxed after you have been angry, excited, or upset, or to make someone become quiet and relaxed; calm adj
  • method (n) a planned way of doing something

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