Sunday, June 8, 2014


Open up a TitanPad. Share the link with your partner. 


TASK 1: 

Briefly discuss with group mates - YOU DO NOT NEED TO WRITE YOUR ANSWERS:

A) Do you prefer to play games against your friends or against the computer? Why?
B) How is it different to play against the computer?

C) Do you think this will change? How so?


With your group, discuss and WRITE out short answers to the following questions:

What is intelligence?

What is artificial intelligence?

Who is more intelligent, the world’s greatest scientist or the world’s more powerful computer? Why?

TASK 3): 

radicalvery new and different from what is traditional or ordinary 
exhibitto show or reveal (something)
indistinguishableunable to be recognized as different
conferencea formal meeting in which a small number of people talk about something
consensusa general agreement about something 
intertwineto twist (things) together

After completing your answers, fill in the questions that Mr. Rob assign's your group to the class' shared TitanPad: The password is 4444.

TASK 4): 

Read the news article posted on my blog, entitled "Robots Smarter than Humans" )

Answer the following questions: 

1. Where does Ray Kurzweil's work, what is his job title and what is he an expert on?

2. What will computers soon be able to make up on their own?

3. Explain, in your own words, what is the Turing test?

4. When did scientists think it would be hundreds of years before computers were very intelligent?

5. How many times more powerful than the brain will computers become?

6. What changed about Dr. Kurzweil’s opinion on the future of AI?

7. What has persuaded so many people to agree with Dr Kurzweil’s point of view? What examples are mentioned in the text?

8. Does the text imply that 'the singularity'  will be a good or a bad thing for humanity? How so?

After completing your answers, fill in the questions that Mr. Rob assign's your group to the class' shared TitanPad: The password is 4444.


As a group, you will discuss and answer the following:

“When computers will become too intelligent, they will be a problem. Agree or disagree.”

Use this outline to form your answer. Work as a team.


What are some examples of Artificial Intelligence:

Make a list of the advantages of computers being more intelligent than humans. Include examples.

Make a list of disadvantages of computers being more intelligent than humans. Include examples.

What is your groups opinion. Will improving article intelligence will be better or worse for humanity? Why?


TASK 6: Make a of the advantages and disadvantages. Include photos of your examples.

Choose one representative of your group to present to the group in a class discussion.

TASK 7: Assess Class Debate:

List two positive examples mentioned by another group in the debate:

List two negative examples mentioned by another group in the debate:

Summarize the reasons for the opinion of two other groups


E-mail me your TitanPad.


Go to SurveyMonkey and answer questions about today's class:


Ask Eugene Goostman a question. He has recently become a world famous 13 year old in robotics. 

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